• 2:45pm – 3:45pm

Level 3 in Z9 Building(Room 330)

Suitable for ages 15+ (infrequent coarse language)

  • Free
Naïve - Image #1

Performance by the resident student theatre company of QUT

Naïve follows the journey of two newly-deads who have found themselves in Limbo with no idea how they got there or where they will go on to. A philosophical exploration of knowledge, Naive discusses the capital T truth with the complete understanding that it does not exist.

The duration is 1 hour

Naïve - Image #2
Naïve - Benny
Naïve - Brigid

The Performers

These artists in conjunction with Vena Cava Productions are long-term collaborators who aim to create a new era of student theatre in the independent sector.

Presented by


  • Vena Cava Productions
  • QUT Drama

The Making Of

Martelle Simon-Green (Director) in rehearsal.
Martelle Simon-Green (Director) in rehearsal.
Brigid Holt performing as Enid.
Brigid Holt performing as Enid.
Benjamin Gane performing as Eli.
Benjamin Gane performing as Eli.
“Eli! You’re in Limbo!” The two newly-deads come to terms with their new surroundings.
“Eli! You’re in Limbo!” The two newly-deads come to terms with their new surroundings.

How did you make it?

Since it’s conception in July 2015, it was evident that the work required a theatrical process tailored to both the artists and the form of the show. Collaboration was essential in creating the works, with the cast creating their own characters, and much of the text of the work being created from structured improvisations to enhance the reality of the work. The creation of text in this work combines the ideas of verbatim theatre and traditional authorial text.

What's the point of difference?

This works analyses the concept of naivety through a millennial lens, providing a counterbalance to often negative connotations to the term. It creates a meditative atmosphere to allow audiences to insert themselves into the discourse, the world and the performance. It achieves this by utilising Postdramatic tools to create a romantic piece, leaning towards the ideas and theories of metamodernism.

How is this relevant to our future lives?

The relevance of this work comes from the truth of the text, which comes directly from the artist's’ experiences. It provides an insight into the lives ‘we’ lead as young people through reflection, therefore allowing the audiences to access and reflect upon their own similar experiences. Through the clear voice of the playwright within the text, the work becomes personalised and revealing of both the artists and the audience within themselves.

What's some other interesting facts?

This play focuses very heavily on philosophy and theories surrounding the quest for truth. As the play is set in Limbo, the characters begin their physical and philosophical journey towards ‘The Beautiful’.

Getting to CreateX

Cnr Kelvin Grove Rd and Musk Avenue,
QUT Kelvin Grove Campus