
DeepBlue in Robotronica

21st Century Orchestra DeepBlue perform in three key events

DeepBlue are versatile, mobile, and technologically inspired. Today you will see them performing in a 3D film environment in Altered States, as part of Robotanical Collective in the Garden of Minuscule Delights, and with members of the community and top professional artists in the CreateX finale.

About DeepBlue

About to celebrate its 10th anniversary, DeepBlue and QUT are a perfect fit in the area of Creative Industries, especially in regard to transdisciplinary research and technological innovation.

DeepBlue has proven to be immune to the stresses of the falling government support in the arts thanks to developing a resilient business model, which won them Queensland Government Vortex award for best new business

In addition we have a strong educational program and are constantly involved in formal and informal research projects.

YoungBlue, DeepBlue Summer School and DeepBlue at your School

The DeepBlue business model demands that wherever DeepBlue performs they work with young musicians who share frequently share the stage in their main shows.

QUT has been the home of the DeepBlue Summer School for many years. This sold out week-long event has mostly taken place at QUT Kelvin Grove and serves as another conscious-raising event about QUT as a future study option for these school aged children and their families.

DeepBlue frequently visit schools to conduct both short or in-depth activities. Many kids have developed ensembles that are their own little DeepBlue clones. As a result it has had an enormous influence on the lives of children and their approach to music in Australia.

There is also a demand from DeepBlue kids to begin a more regular “school” which would be appropriately located at QUT KG. This would be future focussed and bring in interdisciplinary and technologically fuelled components.

DeepBlue in QUT/DeepBlue Summerschool at QACI & in Mumbai Slums India 2012DeepBlue in QUT/DeepBlue Summerschool at QACI & in Mumbai Slums India 2012
DeepBlue in QUT/DeepBlue Summerschool at QACI & in Mumbai Slums India 2012

Research, Creativity and Technology

As stated above, DeepBlue were Industry Partners for two ARC Linkage projects with QUT and are underway to become involved in a third involving Robotics, Interactive Visual design, Fashion Design Dance and Music, There working closely with Cal Poly, USA.

DeepBlue was part of the early initiative for the QUT Creative Lab.

Our engagement strategies have taken us across the country, to seven countries in Asia and to the USA working with schools and young musicians.

DeepBlue Orchestra on ABC Art Show